How to Buy an Arcade in GTA 5 Online
Learn how to buy an Arcade in GTA Online by Edward Carr.
Learn how to buy an Arcade in GTA Online by Edward Carr.
Rockstar Games are very active and provide fun entertainment through the regular release and updates of GTA Online. The system of Arcade has been introduced as a property that can be bought. This system has several locations on the map where the Arcade can be located.
When you want to undertake this particular mission or challenge, you need to know how to buy an arcade in GTA 5 Online. If you do not know how to buy an arcade in GTA 5 Online, this mission or challenge will be very difficult for you to accomplish.
Having decided to know how to buy an arcade in GTA 5 Online, it is imperative to begin the step in order to successfully complete the mission. The very first step to take when you want to purchase an Arcade in GTA 5 is to meet with Lester at the Mirror Park.
Lester himself will send you a message for the meeting just as you enter into the game. Mirror Park is located in the Southern region of the Casino. This meeting with Lester will result in the introduction of a new heist for you to complete.
This new heist is to be done or completed at the Diamond Casino. The overall mission needs to be properly planned if it must be successful.
Maze Bank is the only bank in the virtual world which houses all the bank accounts of all the game players no matter the account balance. The Bank has its own website.
After the interaction with the Lester, you will then open up the Maze Bank website. After opening up the Bank, you will be able to locate new Arcades for grabs at a cost on the map. The new Arcades are usually printed with the colour yellow on the map. Generally, there are six Arcades in total for purchase.
The most expensive of these pieces of property is the one at Los Santos. This is a basic knowledge in getting to know how to buy an arcade in GTA 5 Online.
As earlier mentioned there are six Arcades in total. Four of the six Arcades are located in the Southern part of the map, while the remaining two are located in the Northern part of the map.
None of the Arcade is actually free except the Pixel Pete Arcade which is given freely to those who have linked their Twitch Prime account to the Rockstar Social Club account. Learning how to buy an arcade in GTA 5 Online also positions you to know their various prices.
The prices of the Arcades are as listed below:
Having learnt how to buy an arcade in GTA 5 Online, it is also germane to know that the Arcades can be upgraded. And the upgrade is not free at all. The upgrade comes at a cost.
I will list below the cost of Arcade upgrades and games as well that you can purchase for your retro Arcade.
The Master Control Terminal permits you to launch missions or challenges for all your businesses from the Arcades.
The Drone Station allows you to fly your drones all over the city.
In your quest to determine how to buy an arcade, you may want to ask the big question: is it possible to get a free Arcade in GTA 5? Your guess is as good as mine. The answer is yes.
You can actually get a free Arcade in GTA Online. This can only be achieved under one condition.
The sole condition is that you must register and have an account with the Twitch Prime. This account with the Twitch Prime must be linked to the Rockstar Social Club account.
When you link the two accounts together, then you are totally eligible to have a free Arcade in GTA 5. And the free Arcade is the Pixel Pete’s Paleto Bay Arcade which will be free for you.
This article has been able to show you how to buy an arcade in GTA 5 Online. When you meet and talk to Lester at the Mirror Park to eventually purchase the Arcade via the Maze Bank.
You will need to properly plan and prepare for the Casino heist to be successful. You can recruit friends and other game players online for the mission.
It is also advisable to upgrade when you finally purchase the property. You can also upgrade or sell your property too.