How to Claim Twitch Prime Rewards in GTA 5 Online
Learn how to claim Twitch Prime benefits in GTA Online by Edward Carr.
Learn how to claim Twitch Prime benefits in GTA Online by Edward Carr.
GTA 5 Online is comprised of premium services which offers Twitch Prime rewards for many players that may want to utilize the opportunity. When you take a right step in the right direction and subscribe to the proper services, it will earn you some GTA Online rewards.
This reward is totally free of charge. This happens as a result of the fact that the game is exclusively part of the Twitch Prime reward program. This program is designed to reward players with in-game loot, including other bonuses for linking their Social Club account with that of the Twitch Prime Account.
Free stuff is usually seen as an opportunity which is expected to be utilized. You actually need bits of information necessary to grab you your GTA Online Twitch Prime rewards. Don’t be left out!
The GTA Online Twitch Prime rewards was launched in the year 2019 with several rewards dished out to players during that time. Recall that this program is solely for those players who have linked up their Social Club and Twitch Prime accounts.
Since the creators of this game are very active, they have provided regular updates which have made it possible to effect some changes in the offers. But before we look at the current offers, let us have a cursory look into the past offers.
In order to be abreast of information regarding current program with the rewards that comes with it, you need to monitor or visit the Rockstar Newswire for regular updates.
As a first timer who is linking his Social Club account to the Twitch Prime account, you will be credited with an encouraging bonus of GTA $250,000. This program has a motivational extra bonus for players who have already linked their accounts.
As of now, the Twitch Prime rewards current sole program is the Pixel Pete’s Arcade Property for free. This is very important for planning a heist in the Diamond Casino mission.
In order to partake in what GTA Online Twitch Prime rewards program is set to offer, some procedures must be religiously followed.
What is required is for you to link your Social Club and your Twitch Prime accounts together.
It is your responsibility to link accounts that are correct together. But if you made a mistake linking the wrong Social Club account with your Twitch Prime account, you cannot claim the offer yet. And that is not the end of it all.
What you should do is to separate or unlink the accounts. And then link it to the preferred account. As you unlink the accounts, navigate to the Twitch Prime connection page to link the correct Social Club with your Twitch Prime account. This will guarantee your GTA Online Twitch Prime rewards immediately.
One major thing you must observe is that you do not log into any other account as at the time you are doing the linking in the same internet browser. Use “incognito” or “private browsing” in order to ensure that your cookies do not interfere with the linking process.
The creators of the game are tirelessly working by releasing the latest update that include the latest discount and Twitch Prime Rewards.
There are a lot of discounts available through this update, especially on both vehicles and properties as the case should be. It is possible to get off 35% off some valuable locations in the game.
Those who have already linked their Rockstar Social Club with their Twitch Prime accounts will be entitled to a further 10% discount on everything that is included in the updated list of the release. The Twitch Prime members are totally entitled to the Pixel Pete’s Arcade property free of charge.
Those who have already bought the property before linking their Social Club and Twitch Prime accounts will also be entitled to a rebate under 3 days immediately after the purchase of the property.
Some questions with respect to the GTA Online Twitch Prime rewards may pop up which players may wish to know so that playing may be easy.
You sincerely need the Twitch Prime membership for your eligibility. You need to sign up for the Twitch Prime trial. Then link your Twitch Prime account to the Amazon account if you are an existing member, otherwise you register for the Amazon membership and then do the linking.
Only one account may be linked to the Social Club account since each offer can only be applied to only one account. Your linking is only locked to only one account.
Any region you play in will definitely receive rewards though reward may vary with regions.